Music Lessons for popular instruments

We teach Piano, Guitar, Bass, Voice, Drums, Saxophone, Clarinet, Ukulele, Violin & more.
Piano Lessons >
Whether you aspire to play Bach or Alicia Keys, Village Music's dedicated piano instructors will help you become the pianist you want to be.
Guitar Lessons >
Village Music's guitar instructors teach rock, blues, metal, country and classical styles on both electric and acoustic guitars.
Bass Lessons >
Village Music's bass instructors teach, rock, blues, jazz, metal, country and classical styles on both electric and acoustic basses.
Voice Lessons >
If you've always wanted to hone your skills as a rock, pop, country, jazz, gospel or R&B singer, Village Music has the voice teacher for you.
Drum Lessons >
At the Village Music school, every state-of-the-art drum lesson room is equipped with Yamaha drum kits for our students.
Saxophone Lessons >
Our saxophone instructors teach old and new rock-and-roll styles, jazz and classical too.
Clarinet Lessons >
The clarinet instructors at Village Music Wellington teach old and new rock-and-roll styles, jazz and classical too.
Ukulele Lessons >
Our ukulele instrors teach folk, country, reggae, roak-and-roll, classical and Hawaiian style.
Violin Lessons >
Village Music Wellinton violin instructors can teach a wide variety of genres on the violin.
Call for your favorite
If you have a favorite instrument that is not on this list, give us a call at 561-708-5334 to find out about teacher availability.
Our Experienced Instructors Will Take You to the Next Level!
At Village Music Wellington, we pride ourselves on having top-notch instructors who are passionate about teaching music. Our instructors have years of experience and are experts in their field. They will work with you to develop a personalized lesson plan tailored to your goals and interests.

It's easy to take the first step.
Ready to start? You have nothing to lose.
Sign-up is easy and parent-friendly, with helpful staff at the front desk six days a week to serve you. Because we only offer lessons on a month-to-month basis, there are no large upfront payments, no complicated contracts, no annual material or performance fees, and no semester minimums.
Lessons are first come, first serve, so contact us today to arrange your first lesson!
Lessons are available six days a week, and scheduled once a week.
A one-time registration fee is $30 (due at time of registration).